Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Malaysia trip

                   Ok, I know i have not been updating my blog for a loooong... time. It's not my fault that I don't update it's because of my thousands of homework I have to do everyday. Right. Enough of this. Let's just get to the point.
                   We went to Malaysia quite a few times already. The one we went recently involved us getting wet in some hotsprings.There were also some slides there in the water . They were quite fun. I say "quite fun" is because... well... the entire pool was filled with dead insects floating on the water.Just hearinng makes me want to puke.
                  Then the fun part:the egg boiling activity.We bought some eggs and boiled them in one of the hotspring. Were they good? You should be able to know from the next sentence . Both my sis and me ate 2 eggs each.
                  We also went into a cave.  Daddy did not not go,which is too bad. He missed out so much fun. But he can't  go as he went to Shanghai.
                  The parts i like most were the hot springs, the cave, and the durians.Maybe we'll go to Malaysia again?(I'm NOT hoping. )

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