Thursday, December 30, 2010

X'mas song

Here is a song I made up :
title:x'mas, a jolly season

tune:yankee doodle dandy

Christmas is a jolly season,
everyone loves it.
Everybody gets a gift ,
what's this.'

There'll be X'mas trees,mince pies,
don't forget hot cocoa.
Presents here and presents there,
Santa Claus says,
'Ho Ho Ho!'


I usually make up songs for every ocasion.
This one, as you can guess, is for Christmas.
I also made up a song for mummy's B-day this year.
I'll be posting that one soon!   :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

N.F!! Not fair!

It's not fair!:(. for monthS for 1 month !!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Joke And Riddles

What are the hardest beans
for a farmer to grow? Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?
Ans:To make up for a terrible summer.

Ans:jelly beans. What do you get when you mix your dad's
red paint with his white paints?
  Ans:you get in trouble

Why do you have a hotdog
behind your ear?

Oh my gosh,I ate my pencil
for lunch!!!

My sister

Sometimes I find it quite annoying to be with my sister.
Like the time she pretended she was a baby and followed me
all around the house,saying'goo goo ga ga.'
My parents always say that she was just trying to entertain
us.However ,I think her way of 'humor' is not really my way
of fun
Still,she can be good.Like now ,she gave me a slice of
cheese she took from the kitchen fridge.....

Monday, December 20, 2010

Holiday'. 'Over!!'

Holidays are almost over and school is nearly here...
In school,it's always the usual.lessons,homework,P.E...:(

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Blog

      Finally!! I have a blog .  I wasn't really sure of having one (a blog) at first. When it came to choosing a blog name,I saw the hello kitty picture on the tissue paper i could only think of 'Happy Hello Kitty'.

      My sis and me both made up a list of names for my blog. My sis wanted to name it ;Cuppy Cupcakes'.
I thought that the name was more for a blog who shows you how to make food or whatever they call it.

      Both of us finally decided on 'Dream Days'.(She could have chose' I Scream For Ice-cream......)
We decided on that name cause we are dreamers. QiQi wanted to be an ice cream lady(yum).  For me ,it's either author or baker.:p